Sunday, April 22, 2018

Earth Day 2018

I love you Earth

Earth is beautiful,
You is beautiful,
I is beautiful,
Sky is beautiful,
Land is beautiful,
Ocean is beautiful,
Plant is beautiful,
Animal is beautiful,
Insect is beautiful,
Bird is beautiful.

The world rejoices

~C. Hever

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Tiny flowers

This afternoon, I discovered these tiny flowers blooming in my yard. For reference, the tiny flowers are surrounded by pine straw so you can get a sense of their diminutive size. A nice surprise on this lovely afternoon.

Also observed a migrating Monarch butterfly, the first of the season, flying diligently north.

Silver dollar plant

Does anyone remember as a child being fascinated by silver dollar plants or money plants? Those silver dollar size papery flat pods on long stems? I was. My grandmother grew them and would cut the silvery discs from her flower garden and hand them out to the grandchildren. A warm memory. Years later, remembering those plants, I decided to grow my own. Here's a photo of the beautiful flower of the silver dollar plant and just to the right of the flower the beginning growth of the silver dollar seed pod. When I visit the plant in my garden, I always think of my grandmother.

Apple blossoms

Apple blossoms blooming in my yard. Also saw my first dragonfly of the season yesterday and, this morning, a butterfly and a Carolina Anole puffing out his cherry-red dewlap in mating behavior.